Non Solus, 15,520 real and imitation pearls sent to me by 159 people, my own pearls, silk thread, 11 x 8 1/2 x 8 in., 2015 on-going participatory object. Images: Jamee Crusan

Non Solus

I started Non Solus while living in Iceland in 2015, the idea stemmed from a participatory piece I had made for a solo show the year before. I broadened the participation from close friends to anyone and everyone. I asked for pearls, real or imitation, and 147 people responded with 10,645 pearls, much to my astonishment. I never imagined that response. I thought I would make a sculpture the size of my fist but instead, I created a piece that weighs over 7 1/2 lbs. The pearls I received were special and many people wrote letters describing their donation and why they were giving it to me. I shed many tears as people shared memories of love and loss. I was also constantly humbled and gratified.

Non solus means “never alone” in Latin. I chose this title because I saw this object as a fictitious body organ with a function to create feelings of connection and to help us feel never alone, even if we are. Scientific names for organs are often Latin, so “non solus” is fitting.

Non Solus is an on-going, participatory object made of pearls, both natural and imitation, donated by people from around the US and abroad. If you are interested in being a part of this project, you can send me pearls, too -- that lone earring you’ve had lying around, an heirloom strand from a relative, the bracelet you bought in 1982 and never wear, or a single pearl purchased at your local bead shop just for this piece. White or off white (or any color), any shape, any size, real or faux. To contribute, please email me for a mailing address -


Universe (Blue and Black), 2022


Happy Birthday